Putt Analyse

De Mette Hageman Golf Academy zal het komend jaar verschillende pakketten aanbieden waaronder pakket nr 4: Putt Analyse. Tijdens de winterperiode kunt u stappen maken in uw putt techniek met behulp van SAM Putt lab in de MHGA Putt Studio te Golfclub Old Course Loenen....

Mind Set

“Ik werk elke dag en elke sessie met een duidelijk doel en plan, en altijd met tools om feedback te geven…” Jurrian van der Vaart The quote above was made by Jurrian van der Vaart, a young Dutch playing professional, and translated into English he said: “I work...

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation “They say: Hard practice and innate skills can get you just so far in the game of golf. Only about half way! To play a complete game, the other half has to come from deep within yourself!” What’s your motivation to play golf, or...

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness Do you want to win? Then get tough, mentally tough! It takes more than muscle, more than practice, more than sheer determination to get to the top. It takes the mind of a champion! Mentally toughness is learned, not inherited! Experience has shown...

Food for Thought! You CAN do it!

“Food for Thought!” If you say: “I can’t do it!” You are right. If you say: I can do it!” You are right. Sometimes to do something might be a challenge, but ‘Go For it!’ YOU CAN DO IT! It could be a swing change, your...